Monday, September 28, 2009

Who Kelley Is

My name is Kelley Wake. I’m in first year journalism at Rhodes University South Africa. I’m here to learn how to use the tools I have been equipped with. I want to learn to use these tools to open up a world that has not been visioned yet. I love life and see opportunities at every turn. I believe that everything happens of a reason. I love people and analysing their cause and on world phenomena. I love to laugh, have fun and try to accept people as long as they are happy. I want to live life to the fullest.
I see the world as a hub of knowledge. I believe the world is created by ideologies of the power elite. These ideologies are used to control the majority who are less powerful. I believe that even though we are the less powerful majority in society we have the decision and knowledge to make the best of the world we live in. I believe that people make their world what they want it to be. We are constantly given opportunities and faced with decisions. We need to choose what is right for us and grab opportunities. When we make bad choices we must make the best of it and never live with regrets.
I believe that journalism in the world is a tool that should be used to open the minds of people who are controlled and manipulated in believing harmful knowledge. A journalist has the ability and the power to do this through mass media. Journalism is the pressure that can stop negative world forces and give knowledge to those that do not have so that may learn to live in the best way possible in the society and uncontrollable situation they are in. Journalism can also have a negative presence in the world when it is used the wrong way to manipulate those into believing the values that only benefit the power elite not the people themselves. I want to use journalism to uplift and share knowledge with those who do not have. My first passion is the continent I live on, Africa. I want to help free Africa from the manipulative power elite of the world.
Our blog is about the study of journalism to acquire a degree. We will be discussing how the world of journalism is changing. It is no longer in the hands of the well educated elite but is been given to the public. People can become journalists without a degree and we will be discussing our point of view on this as journalism students and how it is affecting us.

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