Friday, October 30, 2009

Confessions of Caelyn...

By Caelyn Wolward

I reviewed the blog “Confessions of a Journalism Student”. From the moment I saw the black background and catchy purple cursive writing I was surprised. It was clear that the people within this group had put a lot of effort into their blog.
The entries were relatively well written despite the usual spelling and grammar mistakes. The posts were interesting yet I would have liked to have seen more spontaneous entries instead of just the assignments we were given.
It was clear that this blog stemmed from the creative minds of a group of particularly interesting and hard-working individuals. To see that these immensely talented writers were able to put as much effort into their work as they clearly do in having a ball is inspiring. I thoroughly enjoyed having a look at the pictures, there were pictures of the bloggers drinking, having fun and partying yet there were also pictures of them in the dining hall and at the desk displaying their hard-working demeanour.
This variety and diversity is what grabbed me. The writing however, is a bit simple and too easy. Granted, this is aimed at teenagers but I would have liked to see a better knowledge and understanding of the topics that they wrote about.
Another important factor is the headlines. I am pleased to say that all the headlines in this blog managed to grab my attention even though the text following these blogs were not as gripping as the headlines. One of the most important aspects of a blog is the way it looks. It is the first thing that one notices and if the blog does appear appealing then it is more likely that readers will return. This blog definitely fits these criteria.
To see what the people in the first year journalism class managed to achieve in such a short time has made me realise that Rhodes truly is harvesting some of the most talented journalists on the continent. It is just a pity that the majority of the entries were assignments; it would have been nice to get a viewpoint of what journalism students really find worthwhile writing about in the world.

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