Monday, October 19, 2009

Zimbabwe Governmental Crisis

Kelley Wake
For the past couple of years or so I have been following the Zimbabwean crisis just above our boarder. The shocking stories of the humanitarian crisis and the disregard for human rights have deeply angered me. When the media began covering the crisis, farms where being taken from farmers and given to Zanu PF supporters. Now years later the country is in ruins and the leading party, Zanu PF along with their gracious president, Robert Mugabe, neglects to see the horror they are causing. As of February this year the rival party, MDC, led by Morgan Tsvangirai, had talks and decided on a coalition government after MDC won the elections. This sparked the dreams of many around the world that Zimbabwe would finally begin its path to recovery. On Friday the 15th October Morgan announced that he would be leaving the joint party, but remaining is parliament as there is a disregard to respect and the joint government. This I think could be a good thing for the future although MDC may just be doing it for their ego. Talk Zimbabwe describes it as breaking the constitution and supporter trust. All they are doing it staying out of the Zanu PF but still in parliament. Tsvangaria needs to stand on his won feet and lead his country. Mugabe is keeping him back, but maybe this is a waste as it won’t make a difference to Mugabe, as All Africa. Every sign of recovery and progress is disdained by the corruption that seems to be in all sides of the ‘war’. I do not agree with The Zimbabwe Times , I believe the arrest of Bennet was the cause of the split. BBC describes the same way as well as Talk Zimbabwe who describe is more as a racists act than good.

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