Friday, October 9, 2009

Making every moment count!

As students we are surrounded by a lot of opportunity to have fun. This however is matched by the endless assignments, tests and exams. So it becomes really difficult to manage your time appropriately because we are presented with so much of it and its all ours to do with it whatever we want whenever we want. For the first time in many of our lives we don’t have the constant nagging of the parents asking us whether we have finished our work or not.
We often see the people around us going to either extreme; they either hibernate in their rooms and work overboard or party far too hard, drink far too much and end doing last minute assignments and pulling horrible all-nighters. So where do you draw the line? Unfortunately I am not able to answer this question and I think that it is something we all have to figure out on our own but I do know that we only live once and these short three or four years we have at Varsity are all we have. And to not make the most of this experience would be a mistake.
I realised this during SWOT week in June earlier this year, when me and a group of my friends were rather swamped with work and feeling rather overwhelmed and stressed. So that Monday night we bundled up in our warmest clothes and went for a run around campus. We had an awesome time, laughing and climbing up almost any structure we could find photographing ourselves and we had a few frightening run-ins with security. We had a crazy time and it was so much fun because it was so much different from the normal way we go out. It added to the excitement and after that we were all able to work and got lots of work done in the rest of the week.

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