Monday, October 26, 2009

Liberated Africa used for Exploitation

kelley wake
Slavery still exists on the “dark continent” of Africa. World powers the USA and China continuously exploit and violate human rights in Africa in a form of neo-colonialism. Multinational Corporations reap enormous profits by extracting raw materials from Africa and selling them back to Africa at unaffordable prices. African produce is used as aid by world powers to tie African further into detrimental relationships.
U.S. trade policies allow U.S. corporations to send their products to Africa demanding that African countries lower their tariffs but do not provide means for African farmers to access U.S. markets.
The turnover for the top multinational corporations, such as Firestone, is greater than the gross national product of the 100 poorest countries. The net worth of the three richest people is more then the gross national product of all least developed countries and their 600 million inhabitants. Firestone uses child labour to extract rubber from Liberia without paying proper taxes to the government. The world ignored the Rwanda genocide and the Black Hawk Down in Somalia were a horrific mistakes made by world powers.
Salmi defines violence as any avoidable action that constitutes the violation of human rights in its widest meaning. Violence in Africa has grown to disproportionate amounts with no sign of help from those who the opportunities to help Africa. They remain blind and greedy to the millions of dying hopeful eyes crying up to them. Will you remain one of them?

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