Friday, October 9, 2009

Reporting on the Rhodes Rejects Cruelty...

By Caelyn Woolward

As part of being a journ student we are always encouraged to work at one of the student newspapers. Although a taxing task at times, the voluntary work can bring quite interesting topics to the table. For example, this past Monday (October 5) was the start of a week long initiative by ROAR (Rhodes Organisation for Animal Rights)to make people and especially students aware if the cruel way in which animals are treated.

The week started off with a bang when about 50 half-naked students and approximately 10 brave,passionate fully naked activists ran from the Africa Media Matrix to Eden Grove in protest of wearing fur and leather. Waving posters and chanting "wear your own fur", the group drew much attention but by far the most classic reactions came from the students working in the Jacaranda labs. As naked students ran through the labs, many astonished looks and gasps followed them.

I'm writing about all this because as a writer for the hard news section of Activate I got sent on the story and I admit that I got caught up in the action and ended up running with the students in just a bra and jeans. For some this was a bit of mad fun. For others it was a passionate plea to hear the crying of the cruelly treated animals. At first I was part of the former group but this week, after attending the debates and doing research for my article I've become part of the latter. Lesson number one:

Journalism takes the blindfolds off and makes you want to make a difference. You can longer look at these things and say "what the hell...its not my problem" least not if you have a conscience.

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