Friday, October 30, 2009

My bonding expeience with Billy Blanks- pain, sweat and almost tears...

I have always been a very sporty person and there is very little I have never done before. Incidentally, however, I have always found people who revolve their workouts around a video instructor absolutely hysterical. So I decided that this is this would be a wonderful experience to put my prejudices aside and give Billy Blanks and his Tae-Bo exercises a chance.
So my friend hauled me out of bed at 6:00 on Monday morning, I wiped the sleep out of my eyes, put my running gear on and with “I would much rather be sleeping” running through my head, I began my workout. Let me tell you that this exercise was no joke! It was by far the most physically challenging thing I have done in ages. It was filled with punches, upper-cuts, leg lifts and scary movements which I never knew my body was capable of doing. I worked muscles that I never knew I even had.
The most amusing part of the whole ordeal was when we really began to sweat and Billy Blanks stops his workout and began to motivate us. I wished he could have heard me swear at him but I must admit that had to giggle, because there is nothing funnier than a very oversized and sweaty man telling you to “dig deeper” and to “find your inner power” so that “you can succeed in life.”
And yet while every muscle in my body was working, and I found the rather large group of very muscular women in the video rather absurd and somewhat intimidating, I actatualy had an amazing time! My two friends and I now have an exercise group and we brave Billy Blanks’ workouts three times a week. This new experience really added to my life and I am now a total Tae-Bo expert.

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